

Angel website for Rose Finn Kelcey: Images page
Angel, 2003 website for Rose Finn Kelcey: Images page


This is a very early Platform3 website built in 2003. Bleeding edge at the time in its use of DHTML -what's that you might well ask- have a look. It's still live. It won't pass todays web etiquette with its use of pop-ups and iframes. Its definitely a period piece which we look back on fondly.

The site was commissioned to document the work Angel by artist Rose Finn Kelcey.

Angel took a traditional religious subject (the angel) and reinterpreted it with wit and verve. It mimics the appearance and language of digital communication in low-tech materials (shimmer discs) in such a way as to create a contemporary encounter with the mysterious 'beyond in our midst'.

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2003 Angel Installation